Construction Management Software

Construction Management Software that is Easy-to-Use

You can't afford to base cost calculations on assumptions anymore. Calculate projects based on actual costs with our Easy-to-Use Construction Management Software.
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Construction management software that increases profitability

With Fondion's construction management software, you'll make your business more profitable. The construction industry needs efficiency and software is a crucial part of the solution. However, no software or ERP alone solves everything. We help your company to get mechanisms of profitability in order! Grab some free tips below.


Kannattavuus rakennusalan projekteissa

Tässä opas rakennusalan kannattavuuteen. Fondionin Mauno Valli on kirjoittanut oppaan yli 1000 rakennusalan toimijan kanssa käydyn keskustelun pohjalta.

Cost accounting
Product packages

Ennusta kassavirtaasi tehokkammin

Opas kannattavuuteen kassavirran ennustamisen sekä budjetoinnin kautta.

Cash Flow

What is Fondion?

Building industry companies need an efficient platform that gathers all the information in one place and enables more profitable business operations. Fondion is an easy-to-use construction management software where profitability is created through predictability and efficient utilization of real-time information.

Fondion provides everything that a construction industry company needs in its daily work. Profitability and growth are enabled when information flows seamlessly between different systems.

Project management
Quoting and cost estimation
Key business metrics
Integrations with financial management systems
Invoice billing, payment schedules
Purchase invoices
Line item allocation for sales and purchase invoices
Time tracking
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The modern principle of operations management: Avoid human errors in calculations. Speed up your responsiveness to changes. Improve predictability and planning in your operations. Engage and reward employees incentivizingly.

Easily customizable calculation library
Simple user interface
Integrations with financial management software
Automatic data movement between different systems
Cash flow forecast
Easy mobile usability for employees
Tool, not a toy
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Seamless flow of information between different systems to facilitate management.
Goal: The best operations management system designed for construction industry professionals that everyone wants to use.

Integrations with all the systems you use
Partial invoicing, cash flow forecast, installment payments...
Easy mobile usage for time tracking
Quantity takeoff
Line item allocation for sales and purchase invoices
Drilling down to item level for project costs
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What does it include?

Fondion is the fastest-growing management system for construction industry needs, enabling more profitable business for construction companies. We continuously launch new functionalities developed in collaboration with our satisfied customers.

Latest features

We develop Fondion with a customer-centric approach. Check out the latest product announcements.

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Modern construction mgmt software

Construction mgmt software that enables better profitability

See how your business evolves in real time. Our construction mgmt software improves your company's profitability, saves time and your employees really want to use it.

Get project management and accounting in order

Are you concerned about the slow setup of your project and quotation calculations?

Fondion allows you to create projects quickly and perform calculations based on actual costs.

Understand your business

Do you know the true costs of your business?

Fondion's bid calculation forms real-time cost monitoring automatically with the desired accuracy.

Fondion is a modern construction management software that is easy to deploy

Deploying operational control?

Invoice at the same click of a button for accounting and customer. Fondion's ERP software integrates with many systems. Feel free to choose the accounting firm that suits you best.
Real-time, modern interfaces are included in the price and our knowledgeable team will help you succeed. You'll be using Fondion in a couple of hours because deployment is that easy.

Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä + tilitoimisto
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä + tilitoimisto
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä + tilitoimisto
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
Taloushallinnon järjestelmä
Taloushallinnon integraatio
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Tietojen massatuonti
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Tietojen massatuonti
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Tietojen massatuonti
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Tietojen massatuonti
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Tietojen massatuonti
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Thanks to Fondion, we grow profitably

We conducted an extensive survey of the available management softwares and ERP systems in the construction sector.

Fondion made it possible for us to digitalize our operations. For our customers that means better service and for us it means better profitability.

Taavi Heikkila Managing Director
IP-Heikkilä Ltd

Fondion is easy to use and deploy

Paranna yrityksesi kannattavuutta
You get a real-time view of tomorrow
Modern and easy-to-use software
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